Book Design

Having explored various aspects of design, publishing, and printing, Melissa Cunningham sought an experienced partner to help take practical first steps toward producing this inaugural publication for her independent publishing company. I worked closely with Melissa to help organize, direct, design, and produce the project from initial edits to completion.

“Through [her independent publishing company], JANE, Melissa brings us her first book GirlsGirlsGirls, ruminating on the idea of girlhood as a state of mind, a freeness ‘in fun, in friendship, in nature, in sensuality, in letting loose of expectations even for a moment.’” — Menil Bookstore

In collaboration with Melissa Laree Cunningham. 🙂 😉

Type: Kink A and B (The Pyte Foundry), Hans Grotesque (Hanken Design Co.), Adobe Text Pro; plugin: Grid Calculator Pro; printed by Blurb.

Photography Copyright © Melissa Laree Cunningham.

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